Emily and Chris: The Bishop's Bay Wedding

Emily and Chris totally rocked their wedding. Lots of time for photos, a sailboat trip across Lake Mendota to their Bishop's Bay outdoor ceremony, a beautiful tent reception. A wonderful start to their life as a married couple. We were honored to be a part of it!

The first meeting.

An impromptu Ale Asylum  truck photo shoot.

Perfect weather to take the Cow boat from the Union Terrace to Bishop's Bay. And I got to ride along!

Hello! The perfect rainbow for a wedding reception?! Yes please!

We love the night photos.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the Bishop's Bay Wedding was adorable. The photos are so gorgeous!! Very soon I will also be married with my long timefiancé.We just reserved an outdoor Chicago event space for the wedding ceremony and hoping that everything will go as per the plan.
