Natalia and Doug's dog Abe has grown since we first met him at their engagement session!
Doug patiently awaits his first meeting while Natalia dresses upstairs.
Natalia's wedding-day gift to Doug was this kick-ass watch!
Before heading to the cool tree Jennifer and I saw on the way to the getting-ready cabin, we decided to cool off.
That would totally suck if you saw this reminder and thought "Oh crap--I forgot!"
Natalia hangs with the flower girl, who had lost a tooth only minutes before!!
The Trendys have done a wonderful job with their wedding barn! The whole place is set up really beautifully and it's a fun, short walk to the ceremony site on the hillside.
Mmmm, raspberry ice tea!!
The awesome thing about referring Underground Catering to our couples is that we then get to eat Underground's food!
This hardcore Lithuanian crew needed 100 shots of vodka to toast the couple after dinner. Nice!
And of course, the traditional Lithuanian marriage dance!
The kids all arranged their glow sticks on the hillside for the happy couple.
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